Gentle rolling helps the spine, neck, and eyes

Gentle rolling helps the spine, neck, and eyes

Sale Price:$39.00 Original Price:$49.00

Free the neck and lengthen the spine with lessons that roll the pelvis, chest, head, and eyes. I love these lessons when I’m tired!

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Tilt knees, coordinate eyes, 40 min (back)
Roll chest and pelvis, lengthen spine, 33 min (back)
Roll head, differentiate eyes and head, slide legs, 28 min (back)
Coordinate flexors and extensors version 1, 35 min (back)
Eyes, neck, arms triangle, 43 min (back)
Gentle rolling across back with bell hand and weight shift, 39 min (back, side)

Invite easy swinging of the legs and fluid movement of the trunk with these yummy lessons that soften the whole back. Allow the ribs to move and the pelvis to swing underneath in a free, easy, natural human way. Not a kind of robotic teeter, which all of us do when we are stiff and tense.

The bonus is that moving the eyes in opposition to the head, chest, and pelvis in many ways unhooks the co-dependent relationship of tension in the neck and eye muscles. Try any of these at the end of the day after computer work, or before a run so you are not gripping in the ribs. Any time you brace in the ribs, the low back will compensate. Feel how these two parts work together for maximum power in the trunk.