Turn around your axis: help for the neck

Turn around your axis: help for the neck


I still remember the first time I did these lessons and the tremendous improvement in turning I had. It was one of those, “Oh, I can do that?” moments. It highlights all the self-imposed limitations we put on ourselves, and how much more function there is in our ribs, upper back, and neck. (Known as the “dead bird” series.)

Four lessons

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1 Dead bird Eyes and neck turn whole self, part 1, 34 min (turn left).mp3

2 Dead bird Eyes and neck turn whole self, part 2, 27 (turn right) min.mp3

3 Eyes and neck turn whole self, part 3,(dead bird hands down) 26 min.mp3

4 Eyes and neck turn whole self, part 4, 21 min imagine rt, 21 .mp3

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This is an iconic and ingenious lesson where you integrate the head and neck into the torso. With many variations of turning the chest, shoulders, head, and eyes along with changing focal points and the use of the horizon, you slowly free up the ingrained patterns of action in how you carry the head.

This lesson has some big “ah-ha!” moments. I still remember the first time I ever did these lessons and the tremendous improvement in turning that occurred. It was one of those, “Oh, I can do that?” kind of moments. It highlights all the self-imposed limitations we put on ourselves, and how much more function we can have in our ribs, upper back, and neck.

Moshe Feldenkrais included this is his book, Awareness Through Movement as one of the ten lessons representing the method. He called it, “Movement of the Eyes Organizes Movement of the Body.”